All Remaining Events from the above said programmes, The school has organized various other programmes for the benefit of our children. All these programmes are well documented and made available at our youtube channel” Amal Vision”. Click below to view all our programmes.

Disaster Management Programme To provide valuable insights for fighting disasters, the school has organized this programme. Disaster preparedness or management activities are aimed to minimise loss of life and damage in the event of a disaster. Disaster management forces can help by removing people and property from a threatened location and by facilitating timely and effective rescue,…

Helmet Awareness Rally With Dr. Kiran Dedi have organized an awareness for helmet rally along with Dr. Kiran Bedi. Studies have shown that wearing a helmet reduces your risk of a serious brain injury and death because during a fall or collision, most of the impact energy is absorbed by the helmet, rather than your head and brain. But just as…

Election Awareness Rally“The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country”- Jawaharlal Nehru.These golden words hold a gravitas to be remembered for ages. Amalorpavam remembers this day very fondly by organizing various festicities and events for our children.

Children’s Day Celebration“The children of today will make the India of tomorrow. The way we bring them up will determine the future of the country”- Jawaharlal Nehru.These golden words hold a gravitas to be remembered for ages. Amalorpavam remembers this day very fondly by organizing various festicities and events for our children.

Republic Day 2019 Republic Day marks the adoption of the constitution of India and the transition of the country to a republic on January 26, 1950. Every year, the school celebrations marking the day feature spectacular fine art and cultural pageantry. A glimpse of one of the years is given here.

Aarthi Aajarathinam – Parenting Workshop recognizes the importance of parenting issues. Parenting is probably the most important public health issue facing our society. It is the single largest variable implicated in childhood illnesses and accidents; teenage pregnancy and substance misuse; truancy, school disruption, and underachievement; child abuse; unemployability; juvenile crime; and mental illness.

Fit India Week Celebration has welcomed this concept of celebrating days of a week dedicated to fitness with the objective to instill the importance of fitness not only in students but also amongst their families, teachers and entire school staff. As India is celebrating Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM), Fit India School Week is dedicated to commemoration of…